Installing FlatCam on macOS Sierra
FlatCam uses Python with QT4, which is not very easy to install on macOS Sierra, as QT4 is deprecated in home-brew. Here is how to install it …
FlatCam uses Python with QT4, which is not very easy to install on macOS Sierra, as QT4 is deprecated in home-brew. Here is how to install it …
Howto install OpenWRT on an TP-Link MR3020 mini router with external filesystem on a USB stick running a local webserver (lighttpd) to serve up webpages to act as an info point e.g. in a exhibition.
Inspired by the Piratebox Project:
Read More »OpenWRT on TP-Link MR3020 as infopoint with local webserver
Arduino, ein einfacher RS485 Treiber IC und ein Widerstand sind alles was man benötigt um einen billigen DMX Lichtkontroller zu bauen und man bekommt auch… Read More »DIY DMX Steuerung mit ArduinoDIY DMX Controller using Arduino