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Shairtunes (airplay audio client) on Mac OS X 10.7

Based on Thias blog instructions on building shairtunes for Mac OS X.

  • install XCode using AppStore on Mac OS X 10.7 (a AppleID is needed for that)
  • open XCode, in the Preferences “Downloads” click on button to download and install the Command Line Tools
  • Download and install Mac Ports (
  • Open Terminal and type:
$ sudo port install git-core libao p5-io-socket-inet6 p5-libwww-perl p5-crypt-openssl-rsa
$ sudo port install pkgconfig

install shairtunes as a damon:

$ sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/bin/
$ sudo cp hairtunes /usr/local/bin/
$ sudo vi /usr/local/bin/ # change the path of cli_hairtunes  /usr/local/bin/hairtunes
$ sudo cp org.mafipulation.shairport.plist Library/LaunchAgents/
$ launchctl load org.mafipulation.shairport.plist
$ launchctl unload org.mafipulation.shairport.plist # (to remove)


works only while a user is logged in! (on the login screen there is no shairtunes possible) consider using autologin for this mac (but be aware of the possible security risks!)

2 thoughts on “Shairtunes (airplay audio client) on Mac OS X 10.7”

  1. Hi, would this code fix latency issues with the Mac sharing audio with other devices?

  2. hmm, i guess it won’t fix any latency issues, quite the opposite. Airtunes adds a lot of latency as it sends the audio over network and has a big buffer. Normally it takes a few seconds until the speaker starts to play. So i guess the answer is a NO.
    But to be on the safe side, just test it ?

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